An Interview With Melvina Washington

I am that woman originally born and raised in the ’70s in ole’ Savannah, Georgia. I am the oldest raised with my brother and both of my parents, yes, I am daddy’s girl. It was a lower-middle-class single-family household, pretty much in the “hood”. My mother was a custodian and my father was a painter among other odds jobs they worked over the years. They worked very hard just to make ends meet. I knew after watching them for years…I had to be better, wanted to be better by having more education and not just a job but a rewarding career! Originally, I wanted at that time to be a computer programmer, when I became an adult. I made some detour in life but at twenty-one years old I left my parents’ house for good and attend college four hours away.

What happened that gave you that breaking point?

In 1995, after a few years of attending college, partying, working, I met the love of my life in the parking lot of college – he became my friend, my lover, my baby daddy, and a year later my husband. We had the same major computers in college. Because we were struggling financially, had a baby on the way. I had to drop out of college and work. But did buy our first house in 1996 and I felt like we were making progress. I was in love; I got the man, the baby, I could buy a house and my life was looking promising. We both work on computers at the time…fast forward, we got married in 1998 and two more babies arrived in 2000. Oh my, I didn’t know what was coming for me when suddenly… life happened. Life gave me a big kick in the butt. The bills started coming, but there was not enough money coming in from our checks to pay the bills. We used to have to “rob Peter to pay Paul” essentially. Then one day we were watching TV and the lights got disconnected. I thought that the electricity was off down in the entire neighborhood, I walked outside to see what was happening when I realized it was just our house that didn’t have power. I had to float a check because of no money and payday wasn’t for another week. This was one of rock bottom moments for me. The others are too embarrassing to tell…OMG!!

After several more embarrassing moments, I knew what kind of life I wanted to live. I did not just want to survive. I want to have financial freedom and be debt-free. I decided I have to make myself successful – no matter what!

What were the first steps you took into your successful career?

I went back to school while both my husband and I worked overtime. I kept floating checks to pay my bills, borrowing from friends (the old money swap, because they were broke too), take out loans, etc. I was studying for my associate degree, which I obtained in 2000 and next to the bachelor’s degree, which I obtained in 2002. I immediately went back for my Master’s and graduated in 2005 – while in graduate school I went to a Medical Coding boot camp and got my coding certification. Keep in mind, I did all this married and with three young children. I got my first coding job as an outpatient coder. Trust and believe, the struggle was real!

With my degrees and certifications, I started my working career. After working as a coder in several medical facilities. The main job came in 2006. This job would change my life, with overtime I was making $75k a year. But it took the whole family to move to Jacksonville and life was still kicking me in the butt. Still working around the clock, working overtime and trying to make things happen. Even though we had more money coming in, we also had bigger expenses. We had two houses; we had to pay rent in Jacksonville and pay our mortgage in Georgie. Life was no picnic at all these days.

How did you get from that to making your first 100k?

We relocated back to Atlanta in 2011 and I got another job but then the big sacrifice came. I had to leave my family for an entire year, leave my daughters and husband in Georgia, while going to work in Boston. But I had to do it because it was my first 100k and it was a coding job in the HIM world and it was an important step in my career.

After moving to Boston, I got another job next to my coding job and working from home. I was working two jobs, one from home and one in the hospital. This is where the six-figure job came. This went on until 2012 – I finally left Boston and came back to Georgia. I found a new job, where I was making money, over six-figures with no overtime but with another sacrifice. This job was a traveling job – I had to travel for two months back and forth for one assignment and travel again for another for 4 months, I continued to do this several different times until late 2013. Although I was making lots of money, I wanted the same money without the sacrifice. I wanted to be with my family. I came back and I started Infinity HIM – which was a success.

What is Infinity HIM?

Infinity Health Information Management (HIM) and Infinity HIM School, where we implement an eight-week medical coding program for any potential persons who would like to break into the field of coding. I teach medical coding and its tools needed BUT I also focus on a specific type of coding to create subject matter experts for faster turnaround of employment for the students, this has changed the paradigm. I have contractors employed and I assist them with gaining experience and advance knowledge of the coding world. I offer training, education, resume assistance, and interviewing techniques consulting and even employment to qualify persons to gain real-world experience remotely while earning an income.

What motivated you to in those years?

It is simple, family, love, and money! My family (husband and three daughters) is paramount in my life and they are my loves. Without the four people I live with, this life would have not been possible for me. I cannot have one without the other – the love for and with my family are interchangeable. So, naturally, money is what is needed to provide for that family that I love so much! To travel across the country all 5 of us, to provide healthcare – doctors visit (I have daughters that are hearing impaired as am I, Tourette’s syndrome, Asperger’s Syndrome and more), education for colleges, cars, clothes and more – still all money! Therefore, I am not discreet about this motivator. I love what I can accomplish with money (over 250K a year salary, home brought and PAID for ) and the options it provides having an abundance of it (Retirement, investment properties, financial securities, and stability) for myself and my family that I love.

Time and time, I am questioned, does money buy you happiness? I would always reply it absolutely does!! I believe it will “buy” your health, happiness, freedom, financial stability, a very good lifestyle, and more. Without sounding like an avaricious person, “buy” simply means it will enable you more opportunities than the norm, open more doors, and most definitely give peace of mind for the every day 9 to 5 hustling trying to pay bills…. believe in Infinite possibilities.

My thoughts are, “Knowing what motivates you, gives you a sense of direction. It tells you how far you came in your journey, knowing where you come from will surely tell you where you have been and hopefully, you will now know where you have to go and strive to get there no matter what…” Again, these are my motivators Family, Love, and Money!

How did you know what you wanted?

I knew what I did not want, for sure! A 9 to 5 job, barely paying the bills, working hard and harder but now smarter, no traveling or very limited traveling, chasing my own tail around and around. I knew I did not want that! I knew that if one person can make six- figures than I can as well. I knew that education will be the foundation to get me there, I had already seen what happens when people don’t have the education all around me. So, how did I know what I wanted?…life told me rather quickly by living experiences.

What are some goals you set for yourself through the years?

1. Home Ownership – Brought and PAID for…
2. Financial stability: All bill paid on time or even earlier – no payment arrangements, no late payments, no bootleg hook up, or trying to rob Peter to pay Paul setup ever again!
3. Traveling the world ALL five of us – embracing the cultures and making memories. So far, our family has traveled to Ghana, Togo, Egypt, Italy, France, Netherlands, Turkey, Canada, Mexico, Belize, Honduras, and not to mention about 30 of the United States so far.
4. To obtain my education – two Associates, Bachelors and Masters, and two certifications.
5. Financial Security – Investments properties, mutual funds accounts, and retirement
6. To ensure my daughters have an education – all three of my daughters are in college, my oldest has obtained her Bachelor’s degree, and pursuing a graduate degree, my twins are still in undergraduate programs…not completing college is not an option and not paying for college to ensure their
education is not an option!

For me, most of my goals have been accomplished, However, I have not ceased to make more goals to accomplish. Like, education and health are always goals set and must revise repeatedly.

What are your weakness, your problematics areas in your life?

My major demon and weakness in my life is being healthier. I am continuously struggling with weight issues. I am in dire need to apply my own thought process to this category of my life – which I do not! Ughhh! But it is starting to change because I am doing this blog and

What is your advice to people that want to be successful?

Start with good education, take the risk, don’t be afraid, follow your heart, prioritize your goals/plans, and clearly know who you are. I went back to college, achieved the fours college that gave me the foundations and not to mention two certifications that open the doors for the next opportunity. The education never stops, you must be ready to keep going no matter what. Do your research, put a plan together, and execute that plan… no matter what!! I chase my dreams with a lot of tenacity, hard work, and a NEVER give up attitude. I chase my dreams by stepping out on faith, taking the risk, never remaining complacent, never settle. I make sacrifices so I do not have to make them later. So, do the same and you will become successful!

Remembering, where you came from – would you say you changed?

Naw, I have wised-up, grown more mature! I have become more aware of who I am and what I want out of life! Listen, the consensus is I am still loud as ever, I can talk to anyone, I am crazy, and I like to laugh. I never met a stranger in my life. I am a down-to-earth Southern type-girl. I am trying to get healthier, but that is still a challenge for me. My pet-peeve is if you say you are going to do something, just freaking do it – don’t come back to me with excuses! Ughhh!

How does your husband feel about you being so successful?

Oh, he loves that I am successful! His words on CereseD Jewelry blog, “Smart, accomplished and beautiful. Her words of inspiration should bring hope to millions of women! I am just a little biased as I am her husband.” My husband has been my MAIN supporter through all my years of college, job and career changes, relocating, and even moving away.

He was always providing encouragement and help whenever he can. We have been married for almost 22 years. It has NOT been easy with trials and tribulation of marriage, low income, relocation, wife moving away Skype and phone sex is not the same as the real deal. But we made it, and we still are making it! One thing that I have learned is that communication is VERY important, we are still dating and communicating – we both agree that divorce was not an option.

What celebrity do you most admire?

Oprah Winfrey, she is so inspirational to me! She was on my bucket list to meet. And I did in Atlanta – during the “Life I Want Tour”, I purchase VIP seat to ensure I hugged her neck!! OMG!!

What was your favorite vacation?

My favorite vacation is above all is “my Africa”, Accra, Ghana and Lomé, Togo for ten whole days”. I truly love AFRICA!!

What is your favorite food?

I’m a southern girl, so soul food is my favorite. Some collard greens, hoppin’ john, macaroni & cheese, fried chicken, and more. However, on a healthier tip, I love salmon anything, salad, sandwiches, baked, grilled, and all.

What type of animals are you scared of?

I am terrified of rats. I had to live with them in Boston. Oh, trust me – there are others, snakes, raccoons – even though I will eat raccoons…. Yes, I have and like it!

What do you do to give back, any charitable organizations?

I’m a huge March of Dimes and American Cancer Society contributor. The reason being, my twin daughters were premature, so I can relate to the premature babies and their families.  And I have had several family members have died due to cancer.

I also give my time with my sorority, by playing bingo with the elderly in nursing homes and giving care packages to the homeless population.

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